Focused Intention Technique

Focused Intention Technique
All the secrets to living your full potential are inside you!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Focused Intention Technique

Welcome to FIT,

Dramatic shifts in medicine and healing are happening all around us now. Our society has shown respect for the holistic movement and energetic medicine by its growing interest in learning about this field and choosing to engage in alternative healing methods for diseases.

Looking at our lives these days, it would seem unwise not to acknowledge that we are residing in an age when the energetics not just of the body but of all of life are reshaping our world. As someone who has been part of the holistic field for twenty years, I have witnessed many changes. Energy medicine has evolved and is evolving and being part of the healing community we witness miracles daily.

The human body holds all the wisdom to heal itself. True knowledge comes from within. All the wisdom to heal our body comes from within us. This manual serves as a guide to introduce you to Focused Intention Technique.

Since my introduction to energy healing in the late 80’s, I have studied many natural healing approaches and taken something from each. Still I have never been attracted to set formulas. Each person is unique; each client takes me on a healing journey I have never travelled. It was difficult to name my approach and to write out the process because I have borrowed from so many systems and drawn so deeply from my own instincts. I finally settled on Focused Focused Technique because it so perfectly describes and allows what I know to be the absolutely truth, the body know how to heal and by just activating intention and focused the body does the rest.

Fresh understanding about energy and healing continually filters through me, so I evolve with each client and student I meet. I cherish and take confidence in knowing the body is designed to heal itself. Your body is engineered so that if you tap into its healing force, that force being intention, that force will lead you to health. The body wants to heal, and every cell carries extraordinary intelligence and fortitude. While we all sometimes need outside help and direction, healing is an inside job.

Your body is designed to heal itself and through conscious intention you can truly maintain a healthy body and mind. Intention has the power to carry you where you want to go. We have the means to attract this energy to us and experience life in an exciting new way. The core premise of FIT is that the body and its energies are intelligent and that you can engage then in intelligent dialogue that your health. This becomes apparent when you are working in a healing context and connect with the energies that flow through the human body.

In FIT all you need to do is pay attention and follow. The more you work with the intelligent force of intention, it becomes more clear that you are encountering and collaborating with this force. Matter follows energy. That is the fundamental law of energy medicine. When your energies are vibrant, so is your health. You possess the knowledge deep within you to influence your health on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels.

Thank you for visiting my site, please come again.

With love and blessings,

Loretta Mohl


Life force energy is everywhere. This field of intention is available to us all. When you ACTIVATE it, you’ll begin to feel purpose in your life, and you’ll be guided by your infinite self.

In our busy material world it is easy to lose sight of who we really are. We are not too unlike a lost bee that has forgotten how to be a part of a hive or to make honey. Our natural order, our natural rhythm has been dissipated by the humdrum of every day modern life. Would you like to remember your True Self, your True Purpose, and how to improve your life by remembering who you really are? That power is within you, with true intention, it is ready to be accessed now.
Intention is nothing you do, but it is an energy you are part of. Source Energy, God, Life Force, Creator, Universal Energy, Divine Presence (or whatever name you use); it’s everywhere. This is the energy we all source from, God. The power of conscious intention is what instantly makes that source energy available to us. Importantly, that power is within us and always within us to access at our will. As certainly as a cocoon has the essence within it to become a butterfly, so the seeds of our own wellness and happiness are within us.

What stops us is ourselves. It is only our limiting belief system that prevents us from experiencing ourselves as whole, well, happy human beings. Focused Intention sets the course into motion to bring us back to a desirable state. We have free will to consciously activate wellness and happiness by focusing on what we desire and on what we want to create. When you focus on an intention like "I want to get healthy, I want to feel good, and live a happy fulfilled life” and repeatedly and meaningfully dwell and meditate on this statement, then this intent seeps deep into your consciousness. If you really feel it you will become it!

I started my healing path at age 19 as a psychiatric nurse and throughout the 30 years that I have been involved with the healing profession I have seen dramatic shifts in medicine. One of the most profound changes is the true recognition that energy medicine works. The human body holds within itself, all the wisdom and power to completely heal itself.

Since my introduction to energy healing in the late 80’s, I have studied many formal and natural healing approaches. After those years of study and much reflection, I formulated fIT utilizing many elements from my life’s work and have drawn deeply from my own instincts. I named this dynamic healing modality, Focused Intention Technique™, because it so perfectly describes what I know to be the absolute truth: The body knows how to heal itself and by just activating intention and focus, the body will do the rest. While we all sometimes need outside help and direction, healing is an inside job. That is the core premise of FIT.

As you familiarize yourself with FIT it will become clear to you, that by working with the power of intention you encounter and collaborate with a powerful and previously unrecognized force inside of you. You will discover that even Matter follows that energy. Energy follows the natural intelligence of the body to unravel to the root cause to do the necessary healing. You possess the knowledge deep within you to influence your health on the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical levels. FIT will bring you to a point where you realize that the driving force for all encompassing wellness inside you cannot be stopped.

FIT is powerful therapy. It asks you to be aware of the sensations in your body. Take a moment to listen to your inner self. You will be surprised how much it has to tell you. Body awareness is our best healing resource, it makes it possible for us to find both deep seated past unresolved issues and a wealth of inner positive resources.

Think about it, sensations are a gauge. They tell us when we are hungry, tired, full, thirsty, cold, warm, comfortable, uncomfortable, happy, sad, and peaceful. This is a constant barometer, but for a number of reasons we choose to shut this gauge off. By ignoring the innate intelligence that energetically pervades every cell within us we put our physical, mental, and emotional wellness in jeopardy.

In the FIT process we use the body’s sensations as markers or entry points to tell us where we are hosting unresolved issues or disowned parts. All issues in the body will have an energy pattern. With FIT you learn to make friends with all the sensations in your body because they are valuable indicators. Developing self-awareness will enable and empower you to become a conscious and purposeful creator of the events, conditions and circumstances that make up your life.
A "True" sense and understanding of self awareness will reveal that you are in reality an "Infinite Being" with Infinite Potential existing in an Infinite Universe. As modern science has clearly proven, you, the physical, mental, emotional, you and everything else which exists are at the very core comprised of pure energy. Forming a level of self awareness that YOUR thoughts, YOUR beliefs and YOUR emotions are actually creative seeds is essential if you ever hope to begin consciously creating desired results in your life and fulfilling your most sought after and cherished hopes and dreams. Your life will change by knowing the power of intention and focus. FIT takes you there!

This is what one student, Karen, had to say after experiencing a session.
“I’ve had a physical issue with my throat for a couple of years. It had become a serious impediment to my career. I work as a Life Coach and a large part of my practice involves hypnotherapy. Having my voice crack, get ‘froggy’ or having a coughing spasm didn’t align with the calm, soothing hypnotherapy voice.

I’d tried several different healing modalities, all to no avail.

Then I heard of FIT. Loretta Mohl walked me through the FIT process, allowing communication between my physical being and higher self. I found the process to be very profound. Using intention and communication of the highest order allowed me to tap into the core issue, going deep and transforming what needed to be healed.
After the IFT session, my throat felt clearer, less constricted and more relaxed. The insights that illuminated and clarified issues that started in early childhood were invaluable. I would highly recommend FIT!”

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Founder FIT and The Canadian College of Healing Arts

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Started my healing path at age 19 as a psychiatric nurse and throughout the 30 years that I have been involved with the healing profession I have seen dramatic shifts in medicine. One of the most profound changes is the true recognition that energy medicine works. The human body holds within itself, all the wisdom and power to completely heal itself. Since my introduction to energy healing in the late 80’s, I have studied many formal and natural healing approaches. After those years of study and much reflection, I formulated Focused Intention Technique™ (FIT) utilizing many elements from my life’s work and have drawn deeply from my own instincts. I named this dynamic healing modality, FIT™, because it so perfectly describes what I know to be the absolute truth: The body knows how to heal itself and by just activating intention and focus, the body will do the rest. While we all sometimes need outside help and direction, healing is an inside job. That is the core premise of FIT.