Focused Intention Technique

Focused Intention Technique
All the secrets to living your full potential are inside you!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Project Heart - Centered Consciousness

Facebook- Project Heart Centered Consciousness- Search under Be the change you want to see in the world!

You are invited to a heart centered party. Join a group of like minded people and benefit from the heart centered love that is created with focus and intent. Lets heal Mother Earth through group intent and focus.

Together we can cocreate a Heart Centered Planet! Live from your heart center it is the secret to our connect to source! Let's all decide to be the change we want to see in the world and watch what happens together.

All you have to is do is decide! With INTENTION and FOCUS we can cocreate a Heart Centered Consciousness in our self and the world.

The more people that join together with this intent and focus it creates a high vibration that becomes the world consciousness! Then people just catch the wave with grace and ease!

Let's get excited about what is possible with community!

All that you have to do is join the group and share the information with others and watch the focus grow!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Founder FIT and The Canadian College of Healing Arts

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Started my healing path at age 19 as a psychiatric nurse and throughout the 30 years that I have been involved with the healing profession I have seen dramatic shifts in medicine. One of the most profound changes is the true recognition that energy medicine works. The human body holds within itself, all the wisdom and power to completely heal itself. Since my introduction to energy healing in the late 80’s, I have studied many formal and natural healing approaches. After those years of study and much reflection, I formulated Focused Intention Technique™ (FIT) utilizing many elements from my life’s work and have drawn deeply from my own instincts. I named this dynamic healing modality, FIT™, because it so perfectly describes what I know to be the absolute truth: The body knows how to heal itself and by just activating intention and focus, the body will do the rest. While we all sometimes need outside help and direction, healing is an inside job. That is the core premise of FIT.